
Welcome to Shop Ganoderma, an online shop that provides affordable and healthy shopping experience! Here, we offer a wide range of health products from nutraceuticals to health beverages to personal care products all containing this one healthy ingredient, Ganoderma Lucidum! Ganoderma Lucidum is a precious nutrient used over 4,000 years ago by ancient emperors of China who crowned it “The Miraculous King of Herbs”. We invite you to explore the richness of living a blissful healthy life!

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Gano C'Real Spirulina Oats

Gano C'Real Spirulina Oats

15 sachets per box
Product Price: Php 350
Shipping Fee: Php 120

Gano C'Real Spirulina Oats is your perfect breakfast treat!

Enriched with Ganoderma Lucidum extract, spirulina, oats and sugar, its is a nutritious food suitable for the entire family. Spirulina provides daily nutritional needs for the body. Oats is believed to help better digestion and weight control. Combined with Ganoderma Lucidum extract, you will have a great instant nutritious quick on the go meal. Good source of fibers, rich in plant protein.

Gano C'Real Spirulina Oats

According to Wikipedia, Spirulina has been shown in clinical trials to:

1. Protect against hay fever
2. Provide essential nutrients to the under-nourished
3. Aid in moderating both blood pressure and cholesterol levels
4. Improve antioxidant levels, especially in the elderly
5. Prevent heart damage caused by chemotherapy
6. Help improve body efficiency after strenuous work-outs

Who’d think one little plant could do all that? Scientists seem to believe that Spirulina’s almost magical abilities derive from the individual nutrients contained in the superfood. These include essential proteins and fatty acids; vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), C, D, and E; potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and other essential minerals; and (phew!) more photosynthetic nutrients than you can shake a stick at.

Imagine combining that with the heart-healthy benefits of oats and the whole-body boosting power of Ganoderma lucidum, and you can see why our C’Real is the first choice for healthy families!

Buy a box of Gano C'Real Spirulina Oats for only Php 350!

Join the wellness craze! What are you waiting for, order your spirulina cereal today!

Click here to learn more about other ganoderma products too! Save more by buying our latest package treat!